Inclement Weather Guidelines
In the event of inclement or severe weather, church services and events may be canceled to ensure everyone's safety. Even if services or events proceed as scheduled, we encourage each person to use their own judgment when deciding whether to attend. If road conditions are dangerous or hazardous, please prioritize your safety and stay home if needed.
Sunday Mornings
In the event of a Level 1 Snow Emergency, Sunday morning services and activities will proceed as scheduled, but we also encourage everyone to prioritize safety and to stay home if needed.
In the event of a Level 2 Snow Emergency, Sunday services and activities will be canceled.
Cancelation decisions for Sunday morning services and activities will be made by 8:00AM and will be communicated by social media, email and text message. (Contact us if you do not currently receive our texts)
Kids and Youth Activities
If Lancaster City Schools are canceled or dismissed early due to weather, Kids and Youth activities will also be canceled for the day.
If a Level 1 Snow Emergency is in effect, evening activities will not take place.
Decisions regarding evening cancellations will be announced by 5:00 PM and communicated by social media and a text message to parents.
Tuesday/Thursday Preschool
In the event of a Level 1 Snow Emergency, Preschool will be closed.
Decisions about Preschool cancelation will be announced by 8:00 AM via the Remind App.
Building Closure
In the event of a Level 2 Snow Emergency the building will be closed and staff will work from home and be available via email. Church voicemails will be checked.
Small Groups should not meet at the building.