Need Prayer?
Click below to fill out a prayer request form.
Ministry Time
Ministry Time is an opportunity for you to receive individualized prayer. We believe that God is generous in giving us opportunities to personally experience his love. At the end of our Sunday service we provide space for you to receive prayer ministry.
Prayer Teams
The Bible demonstrates the importance of both intercessory and in-person prayer. We are all called to pray for others, just as Jesus did.
Our Intercessory Prayer Team receives and prays for weekly prayer requests from the congregation. Intercessory prayer is simply praying on behalf of someone else. Jesus was an intercessor, praying for his disciples, for all believers and for Jerusalem.
Our Ministry Time Prayer Team practices praying for someone as they present a prayer need in the moment. We use the 5-Step Prayer Model to pray for people during Ministry Time.
Both teams are welcome to be a part of our Pre-Service Prayer that takes place on Sunday mornings at 9am. If either (or both) of these teams sound like something you’d be interested in, sign up below!
Prayer and Worship Night
Once a month, we gather together for a time of worship and guided prayer concluding with an opportunity to receive personal prayer during ministry time. Registration is only required if you need childcare for kids up to 5th grade. We would love to see you at any one of these nights!
Please register HERE only if you need childcare.
Five Step Prayer Model
“The five-step procedure may be used any time and in any place: in hotels, at neighbors’ homes, on airplanes, at the office, and, of course, in church gatherings. I have been in casual conversation with people, even with complete strangers, who mention some physical condition, and I ask, ‘May I pray for you?’ Rarely do they decline healing prayer, even if they are not Christians. I then confidently pray for them by following the five-step method.” (Wimber, Power Healing).
At the Lancaster Vineyard, we follow this model as a guide for praying for others. It’s not a fool-proof, always right, an only-way-to-pray rule, but it’s simply a tool to use when you feel the Holy Spirit leading you to pray. For more on what Vineyard USA says about the 5 Step Prayer Model, click HERE.
The Steps:
The Interview - Introduce yourself, then ask, “How can I pray for you?” or “Where does it hurt?”
The Diagnosis - There are many reasons someone might need prayer. Are there natural causes here, such as a sickness, disease or accident? Are there emotional hurts causing physical symptoms? Are there relationship problems that are part of this issue? Is there spiritual healing needed such as repentance or forgiveness?
Prayer Selection - At this point you are discerning what kind of prayer- physical, emotional, spiritual, relational healing- is needed to help this person- Ask if the person is comfortable with the laying on of hands.
Prayer Engagement - This step is when you begin to pray, “Come Holy Spirit.” Ask the Holy Spirit to bring healing to the person. Keep your eyes open while praying and watch for any effect physical signs that the Holy Spirit is moving (eyes fluttering, shaking).
Ask “Are you sensing God doing something?” (feeling of warmth or tingling; a sense of peace or joy, etc.)
Stop praying when a) they think it’s over, b) the Spirit tells you it’s over, c) you’ve run out of things to pray, or d) it’s going nowhere. Remove your hands and talk to them directly to indicate you are done praying.
Post-Prayer Direction - If the person did not receive healing, encourage them to continue to pursue prayer about the issue. Encourage the person to join or to stay active in a local church community.
If you’d like a more in-depth look at the 5-Step Prayer Model, check out the link below: