is a group that provides space for people to connect around food/drink, followed by a short, creative film and open conversations about things we question in life. It offers a safe place for people to explore faith.
What does a typical Alpha group look like?
Jesus ate meals with people, made wine out of water for people and gathered with people around food often. In all these ways he showed hospitality.
All Alpha group meetings start with food or drink. This can be as simple as meeting for coffee or can include snacks, dessert or a meal. It’s easier to connect over food. It can help to eliminate awkwardness and can lead to important conversations. By creating a little space in our home, our neighborhood, or community space we are making a place for people to belong.
2. Alpha Talk
Small Films with Big Ideas.
Each evening features a short film that lasts around 20 minutes. The Alpha Talks explore topics on faith and questions about life. Check out this video to get a feel for what the Alpha Talks are like.
3. Conversation
After the film is a time of discussion. If you are leading and Alpha group, we will provide materials that will include tips and discussion questions. If your group is large, you may want to break the group down in to smaller groups. This space is meant to be an open conversation where people can share their own thoughts and also hear from others about what they think.
For the Alpha discussion, we follow the model of Jesus who listened deeply to people. He rarely answered a question directly. He seemed to be listening to the question under the question. Jesus often would respond to a question with a question in return, or with a story. The goal for Alpha discussion is conversation, not consensus.
“To truly listen to what someone has to say is a great gift. “Being listened to is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.”
-David Augsberger
How to Get Involved
Participate in 21 Days of Prayer and Inviting
Join us as we pray together for the lost, for Alpha, and for our city. We will kick off 21 days of prayer leading up until the week that we launch our Spring Alpha group in January 2025.
Read Matthew 9:36- But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
Set your alarm for 9:36am as a reminder to pray this over our city and over the Spring Alpha group .
Be open and expectant to see God move and how you can be a part of that. If you feel led to be a part of Alpha, see the “Support an Alpha Group” section below.
Read Matthew 9:36- But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
Ask God to highlight 3-5 people to you who are weary and need to experience him in their lives. Pray for God to give you his compassion for them.
Set your alarm for 9:36am as a reminder to pray for the people who God has highlighted to you each day.
Be open and expectant to see God move and how you can be a part of that. If you feel led to invite someone to Alpha, see the section below for helpful tips in how to engage in conversation and how to invite.
What if our friends and family are ready to explore faith? They may be more receptive than we think. The simplest invitation made with genuine love can be used by God to speak deeply to someone. We might find that people are open to an invitation to Alpha. Even if it’s not obvious to us, they may have some curiosity about faith.
How to invite someone to Alpha
You can use these invite ideas to start a conversation in-person or to invite someone through messenger on social media or text message.
1.“I am going to be a part of this group called Alpha. (usually the response is “What is Alpha?) It’s a space where people can explore faith and ask any questions. Would you like to go with me to the first group and see if its something you like?”
2. “Would you want to try out this group called Alpha with me? I am going because its a place to talk to people who think differently than me and I like to see other perspectives and ideas. We will be exploring topics on faith and questions about life. What do you think?”
3. “I know you’re not interested in church right now, but I was wondering if you might like this group called Alpha. I thought of you because it’s a space where we talk about faith and and questions about life, and anyone is open to say or ask anything. Would you like to try it out with me?”
4. I know that I have shared with you about how I am passionate about faith, and I know you’re not sure yet about what you believe, so I thought that Alpha might be a good fit for you. Its a place to meet others who aren’t sure about faith and have questions too.
5. I know that we haven’t talked much about faith before, and I am not sure what you believe, but I was curious if you would be interested in a group called Alpha. We will come together for a meal and hear different perspectives on faith and questions of life. The space is open for anyone to share and ask questions too. Do you want to try it with me?
Show this video to someone in-person when you are talking about Alpha. You can also send the video by sharing the link in a text message or on social media.
Share this link to our Alpha website with someone you are inviting
Share this Alpha Invite Card Graphic with people you invite. Save the image to you your phone and send to someone in a text or on social media.
Help Support an Alpha Group
Consider being a host or helper, or providing food for our Spring Alpha Group
Every Alpha Group consists of Hosts, Helpers and Participants.
Hosts facilitate the group discussion while the Helpers support the discussion. They work together to create a welcoming and safe space for participants to experience Alpha.
The ideal Alpha group size is somewhere around 2 host, 2 helpers and 8 participants.
If you are interested in being involved in Alpha as a host or helper and have questions, reach out to Sarah Bay-
Alpha Training on Sunday, April 7th after service. Lunch and childcare provided. Click here to see the Alpha group training video.
Alpha Day Prayer Training (to be scheduled). Click here to see the Alpha weekend training video.
Click on the topic to see the Alpha Film.
WEEK 1 /
Is There More to Life Than This?
WEEK 2 /
Who is Jesus? (with subtitles)
WEEK 4 / Hangout
WEEK 6 /Hangout
WEEK 7 /
Why and How Should I Read the Bible?
Be at the doors to welcome our guests.
Food & Drink
1. Provide a main course, side dish, or dessert.
2. Help with meal prep, serve food, or meal cleanup.
If you are interested in helping provide hospitality for an Alpha group, whether that be one time, or several times throughout the Alpha Course, please reach out to Sarah Bay-