Small Group Leader Training

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  • Part 1 - The Why of Small Groups

    Part 1 - The Why of Small Groups

    Reflection Questions
    (After the video)

    1. Why is community a vital element of a transformed life?

    2. How has community transformed your life?

    3. What would someone be missing if they only connect with others on Sunday morning?

    4. What are some hesitations and obstacles that would prevent you (or others) from starting a small group?

  • Part 2 - Three Main Elements of a Small Group

    Part 2 - Three Main Elements of a Small Group

    Reflection Questions
    (After the video)

    1. Which of the 3 elements of a small group (relational connection, intentionality, and praying for one another) do you feel least confident about?

    2. If you are leaning towards being an unadvertised group, what are the reasons?

    3. If you are leaning into being an advertised group, what are some possible ways to make newcomers feel comfortable and welcomed to your group?

    4. Why do you think praying for one another is important? How comfortable are you with doing that?

  • Part 3 - The Role of Small Groups and Discipleship

    Part 3 - The Role of Small Groups and Discipleship

    Reflection Questions
    (After the video)

    1. Who could you personally invite to be a part of your small group? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to highlight a few people. (Identify)

    2. In 2-5 minutes how would you give vision to someone to join your group, that’s not in a small group, on why it’s important to join a small group? (Recruit)